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Barrel Chopping Mainly Rifles and Shotguns. Con. increased 1 lvl, Range is Halved, Pistols/SMG -1 Acc., Shotgun pattern 50% wider, Hvy wpn Con. stays the same. Not compoundable with folding stock bonus. Cost 0.3xWC SOF II-9 Extension Con. reduced 1 lvl, Range increased 25% (nearest 5m). Once only. Cost 0.3xWC SOF II-9 Finishes "Bowling Ball" 2 + colors in pearlescent swirl, Cost 0.3xWC SOF II-10 Camo/Gloss Cost 1xWC SOF II-10 Chrome/Pearlescent Cost 1xWC SOF II-10 Natural Colors Red,Green,Black,etc. Cost 0.1xWC SOF II-10 Neon Glow Emit light, Cost 1.5xWC SOF II-10 Printless Resists fingerprints (Diff 30 Tech skill check). Warning: Considered a Class 3 Crime in some states. Cost 2xWC + other finish, SOF II-10 Fire Modes Autofire No single shot, at least 1/2 mag, max 30 rounds. 2 hours to fix, Diff 20. WA drops TO -1, Rel. Drops 2 lvls, if Rel. is below UR automaticly jams on fumble, check to see if weapon breaks. Costs 1xWC SOF II-10 Burst Fire Single shot or three round burst, 3-6 Hrs to fix, Diff 25. WA -1, Rel drops 1 lvl. Costs 1.5xWC SOF II-10 Selective Fire Single shot, 3 round burst or full auto. 4-6 hours to fix, Diff 25. WA -2 for full auto. Rel. drops 1 lvl. Costs 2xWC SOF II-10 Solenoid/ Electric Trigger Increase weapon weight 10%, +1 Acc at Extreme range. 1 hour to fix, Diff 15 Weapontech or 20 Electronics. Cost 1xWC SOF II-10 Electric Mod. Ammo Modify std ammo, 3 hours and Diff 15 Weapontech. Or buy ready made for 0.9x normal ammo price. SOF II-10 Magazines Any Small Arm/Heavy Weapons can have a mag. capacity of up to 5x the original mag. capacity. If the mag. carries more than 2x the original, apply the following penalties. Con. and Rel. drop 1 lvl, and are compoundable with other mods. Initiative bonuses for Snapshots are at -1 for Pistols/SMGs, -2 for Rifles/Shotguns. Cased Ammo 1 EB/shot. Caseless Ammo 0.5 EB/shot. Hvy Wpn. 2-3 EB/shot. Speedloaders Small devices that hold bullets for revolvers ready for swift reloading. Cost 25EB. Security Bug Chip A bug chip lays dormant until it recieves a radio signal to activate. Then it acts like a tracer bug. Cost 25eb SW-47 Nine-Eleven Chip Calls the personnel of your choice (typically the police) when you pull the trigger. Response time 1D10+2 minutes. Cost 175EB CB II-50. Sabotage Chip A chip that contains a program to cause a weapon to malfunction, incase of enemy capture, upon a special radio signal. It may just cause a weapon not to work, or cause a ETE weapon to explode. To find/remove a sabotage chip five minutes of disassembling the item, and an Very Difficult (Diff 25+) Electronics skill roll. Costs 50eb SW-47 Security Chipping Must be Smartgun. Locks trigger mechanism until you 'think' the right password. Cost 250EB. CB II-50. Stock/Furniture Barrel/Reciever Groups Change the caliber of a firearm. May also effect # of rounds in the magazine. Cost 200eb SOF I-7 Bipod Adds +2 WA when stationary and braced. Costs 10EB HotB-83 Brass Catcher Either soft bag or hard box style, used to catch spent casings being ejected from weapon. Soft hold 1 clip worth, hard 1/2. Emptying takes 1 round in addition to time spent reloading. Cost 0.1xWC NT-67 Compensation ROF +1 in semi-auto (ROF 1 or 2). 2 hours to fix, Diff 20. Cost 0.4xWC SOF II-10 Custom Grips Pistol/SMG +1 Acc. for Fastdraw/Snapshot. 40 mimutes to fix, Diff 20. Replaced annually. Cost 0.3xWC SOF II-8 Rifle/Shotgun +1 Action for aiming, total +4. 2 hours to fix + 20 shots, Diff 20. Anyone else WA -1. Replaced annually. Cost 0.6xWC SOF II-8 Digital Weapon Uplink Smartgun Option. Requires Cyberoptic with TimesSquare Marquee. Feeds information about gun into optic. +2 to Tech roll to unjam weapon. Cost 500EB CB I-12 DUD Smartgun Controller Smartgun Option. Requires Cyberaudio. Includes Vocalizer chip, voice-recognition chip and a mini-pickup mike. Gives info about gun via audio,and gun can be voice activated. If dropped gun has 1 in 6 chance of facing opponent. Cost 720EB CB I-12 Electrothermal Enhancement Cased Weapons only. Only semi-auto and manual repeater action. Adds 0.5-1 kg. Adds 50% range and damage. Battery fitted (100 shots, 150eb). Time varies to fix, Diff 25+. Cost 1.5xWC BSW-44 Folding Stock Replacing solid stock: raise Con. 1 lvl. -1 WA./extended, -2 Acc./folded. On non-stock weapons: +1 WA at Long and Extreme range when extended. 1 hour to fix, Diff 15. Cost 0.3xWC SOF II-8. New Frame Bullpup Configuration, Predilection, Construction Material, etc. Cost 100-300EB SOF I-7 Quality Increase Rel. by 1 level. Cost 0.5xWC/Rel. lvl SOF II-10 Scangrip Fingerprint scanner, unlocks firing mechanism and turns on electronic sights for owner. Cost 200EB SOF II-25 Smartgun Link +2 Acc. Requires Interface cable/plugs and Neuralware Processor. Cost 2xWC CP2020-76 SmartPlate Weapon Link +2 Acc. Requires Cyberhand, Smartgun Link, SmartPlate Weapon Link and Neuralware Processor. Cost 3xWC CB III-23 Tactical Rigs Bayonet Lug Used to attach items to firearm, Bayonet, Torch, Training Equiment, Etc. Fitted to SMG and larger. Cost 0.1xWC NT-67 Muzzle Adaptor Device for attaching special grenades to firearms. Pistol grenades can't be launched from weapons less than 9mm. 9mm through .45 calibre have an Long range of 15m. .357, 10mm +, Long range 50m. Can't be used on ETE guns. Cost 200EB BSW-41. Underbarrel Weapon Mounts Capacitor Laser Cost 950EB BSW-9 M-205 Grenade Launcher Cost 250EB BSW-35 Microwaver Cost 500EB BSW-9 Micro-Missile Pod Cost 200EB BSW-36 Militech Mini-Grenade Launcher Cost 255EB BSW-35. Sharpwire Net Launcher Cost 450EB CB II-58Accessories
Assault Rifle Case Aluminium case with sponge interior. Cost 70EB Bandolier Will hold 56 rounds. 40mm grenade version will hold 18. Cost 24EB Gunbelt Will hold up to 4 pistol/SMG holsters, and 4 clips of ammo, OR 24 rounds/shells. Cost 60EB CB I-61 Holsters Ankle For snub-nosed revolvers or small automatic pistols. Can be concealed under pants leg. Cost 34EB Shoulder Includes shoulder harness. Cost 80EB Speedholsters Same as standard holsters, plus it adds +1 to iniative for fastdraws. Cost +100EB CB I-13 Standard Fits onto belt, to keep your pistols handy. Cost 50EB Wallet Concealed holster (designed to fit into hip pocket) that will hold a small pistol (Ideal for derringers). Cost 40EB Holsters (Longarms) Heavy-Duty leather holster for hanging your shottie off of your cyke. Cost 80EB Magazine Clip Pouch Will hold either 2 or 4 ammo clips. Cost - Automatic Pistol : 2 10EB/4 16EB Submachine Gun : 2 12EB/4 18EB 5.56 Rifle(20rnds): 2 14EB/4 20EB 5.56 Rifle(30rnds): 2 18EB/4 24EB 7.62 Rifle(20rnds): 2 18EB/4 22EB 7.62 Rifle(20rnds): 2 20EB/4 26EB Metal Ammo Boxes Waterproof containers specially designed to transport and store ammo. Cost : Size of round (round up) x # of rounds carried divided by 50 for pistols/smgs, 20 for rifles. Pack Military style backpack. Light frame with heavy duty, waterproof canvas. Typically has 2 main sections, one above the other. Need the webbing to wear the pack. Will hold 60 kg. 1-5 kg [-1 EV], 6-10 kg [-2EV], 11 kg + [-3 EV]. Cost 350EB. SP 10 costs an additional 50 EB. (Also see CB IV-73). Pouches Ammo pouches, canteen pouches, etc, for your gunbelt, sling, webbing, etc. Cost 5-20EB Rifle Case Aluminium case with sponge interior. Cost 60EB Shoulder Slings For Longarms. Cost 5EB CP2020-64 Utility Belt Belt from Harness. Has many eyelets, clips, etc for hanging pouches and whatnot. Will carry 6 pouches, max. Cost 60EB Webbing/Harness Load bearing body harness which fits over shoulders and around waist. Has many eyelets, clips, etc for hanging pouches and whatnot. Will also accept the military style packs. Will carry 10 pouches plus pack, max. Cost 120EB Wrist bandolier Holds 3 shotgun shells or 6 rounds. Cost 15EB Mounts Gyro Stabilization mount for long weapons. Negates penalties for firing when moving and from the hip. Best with a smartgun and target scope. Cost 250EB HotB-81 Power Exo-mount Linear style frame worn on body, with swing-arm for mounting a heavy weapon. Compensates for weight and recoil. When worn, -2 REF, -1 MA, -1 Acc. penalties. Cost 5000EB HotB-81 Sights Computerised Provides +2 Acc. at medium range, and +3 Acc. at long and extreme range. Built in low-light and range-finder. For 200EB more, thermographic. Cost 500EB HotB-81 COT CyberOptic Triangulation. +3 Acc. Cost 4000EB SOF I-49 Interlock Outdated COT. +1 Acc. Cost 7000EB SOF I-49. Laser +1 Acc. to non-smartlinked weapons. No bonus to smartlinked weapons. Has a 100m range. Cost 150EB Scope Simple optical. Provides +1 Acc. at medium range, +2 at long and extreme. 100EB more for low-light. Must take an Aiming action to use this scope. Cost 200EB HotB-81.Tactical
Advanced Silencer Impossible to be heard without cyberaudio with extended hearing range. -1 to Acc. Range reduced by 10%, 25% if combined with flash suppressor. Cost 300EB, 450EB with flash suppressor. Bayonet Stab people with it, cut holes in wire fences. 1D6+ Bod damage. Cost 50EB BSW-2 Flashlight Milspec flashlight, 1' to 120' variable range, 24 hour battery. Cost 20EB HotB-81 Flash Suppressor Awareness tests to see a suppressed weapon are at a -10. -1 penalty to Acc. Reduce range by 15%, 25% if combined with silencer. Can't be used with ETE. Cost 100EB, 250EB with sound suppressor, 450EB with Advanced Silencer. Gun-cam Small digital camera mounted under barrel. When gun is fired, the camera takes a picture of what was fired at. Holds 10 'shots'. Cost 100EB CB II-50 Gun-Eye Camera Mounted where a telescope would be mounted. Have 10-30 minutes of digitally recorded time on chip (extra mem. 10eb/10 min per chip). Feed is routed to HUD, smartgoggles or monocle, do fire sees what camera sees. Can be used as periscope, or actually fires around corners (-3 to hit). Options: low-lite, IR, anti-dazzle, & thermograph cost +100eb each. Image enhancement & telescopic gunsite (+1 to hit, x20 magnification) cost 150eb. May be linked to cyberoptic for +100eb. Weigh .2kg. Cost 200eb SW-46 Laser Rangefinder Determine exact range to target. Cost 50EB HotB-81 Painting Laser For guiding in laser-guided ordnance. Cost 1000EB HotB-81. Silencer Awareness tests to hear a silenced weapon are at a -10. -1 penalty to Acc. Reduce range by 10%, 25% if combined with flash suppressor. Cost 100EB, 250EB with flash suppressor. CP2020-64/CB II-72. Tinted Lens Filters Tinted lens filter for standand flashlight, used to help conceal light emitions. Usually blue, sometimes green. Also available in a wider range of colors, but are limited in use on the battle field. Cost 5EB/cap. Training Laser A small device that is fitted under the barrel with a bayonet lug with a fitting placed over the end of the barrel. Used in training simulations, a low-powered, variable frequency laser is fired when the trigger is depressed. A laser sensor on the opponent will alert the wearer that he has been hit, and deactivates his weapon. Cost 500EB (includes laser module for gun, and 1 sensor receiver). UV/IR Flashlight Same as standard flashlight, but uses either IR or UV. Cost 30EBTools
Cookie Cutter Smartgun enhancement. modifies the guns sensors to pick up signals being emitted from badges supplied with the cookie cutter system. Will prevent gun firing at friendlies with badges. Set comes with enough equipment to modify 3 guns and 3 badges. Extra badges cost 15EB. Cost 300EB. SOF I-22 Gun Cleaning Kit Kit to keep firearms in good working order. Includes solvents, oil, cleaning rod, brushes, cloth. Cost 50EB NT-53 Gun Repair Kit A kit simular to the cleaning kit above, but includes a wider range of tools. Includes various small spare parts, such as springs, screws, bolts, etc. Can be attached to harness. 4lbs. Cost 240EB Interface Cable To connect your smartgun to your plug. -1 penalty using cyberlinks. Coat 30EB CP2020-67 Low Impedance Cable To connect your smartgun to your plug. 0 penalty using cyberlinks. Cost 60EB CP2020-67
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