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This here list is a mix of drugs that I have designed with Morningman's Drug Lab 101 Drug creation rules (with some additions by yours truely), and most of the drugs out of the various Cyberpunk books brought in line with said rules...



If you're looking for anything on the streets of Night City, you have to know where to look. That's why Streetdeal, and Streetwise are so important. When looking for drugs, it's kinda hard to determine wether a certain drug is available or not, or what difficulty the PC'S are up against. Here is a simple system based on the legality and difficulty of the drug itself.

Legality				Difficulty Mod.	

Legal/Common 				x no roll needed
By Prescription Only 			x .25 	 	
Type C Illegal 				x .50 		
Type B Illegal 				x .75		 
Type A Illegal 				x 1 		 	
Experimental 				x ? (1D3+1)	 	
When working out the difficulty, reduce the final total by 5 for Streetdeal. If the Difficulty is still to high for you, you can lower it for 100eb per point of difficulty, if the need is (too) strong... So it's drugs yo want? Yeh, right, I know the Mr Smith yo want, yo got the price?...



Titan is a steriod. Used by bodybuilders to help their training routine, Titan boosts your strength (+5 BOD), endurance (+5 Endurance), and acts as a pain killer (ignore the first 5 wound levels). As such it is also used as a combat drug, by edgerunners and other professionals who get into shady dealings. Titan is also mildly physiologically addictive. When the drug wears off, the user will also suffer from heartburn, headaches, and the munchies. The worst of it is that Titan overworks the muscles and the cardiovascular system (the character will have to make a Difficult BOD roll against his normal BOD to avoid taking 3D3 points of damage). Considered as a Class C Illegal Substance. Duration 1D6x10 minutes. Difficulty 36. Available as a Sports Drink (270eb/bottle), capsule (180eb/capsule) or Derm (360eb/derm).


Hardfire is a common street drug, only just considered to be illegal (Type C), as it is used as an activator for the Owari Reflex Booster (see Cyberware). Bought in inhalers, the drug is snorted up the nose. One dose is considered to be a 'double barrel', a blast up each nostril. The common street slang for all drugs used with an inhaler is 'torpedoed', as in "fire a torpedo up your nose". The drug speeds up reflexes (+1 REF), enhances perception (+1 Awareness), and increases endurance (+1 Endurance). When the drug wears off, the user will have a runny nose (1-2 on 1D10 = bloody nose), and a diminished sense of smell (-4 Awareness). An Inhaler will typically hold 10 doses. Duration of 1D10+1 turns. Difficulty 40. 200eb/dose. A empty nasal inhaler costs 25eb.

Note: In the Hardwired sourcebook, the Hardfire drug will increase the users REF by +1 on a Average REF roll, but if the user has Owari hardwiring the +1 or +2 is automatic. The drugs bonuses arn't cumulative with the booster. User will have a mild hangover afterwards. $4/dose.


Named after the 20th Century genius, Einstein is a drug often used by netrunners. It obviously boosts ones intelligence (+3 INT), but also enhances ones perception (+3 Awareness). However, while under the effect of the drug, users become slightly less coordinated than they were (-3 REF), and sometimes more than a bit nauseous (8-10 on 1D10 save at -4. If failed the character suffers from nausea, vomiting and stiff joints, incapacitating the character. If made, the character suffers from the effect for the minimum duration of the drug). Einstein is considered to be a Type C Illegal drug. Duration of 1D10+1 hours. Difficulty 17. Available as a slap patch (300eb/patch), or pill (150eb/pill).


Whoow man, I feel Goooood... Buzz helps you zone out after a tough day at work in the combat zone. Buzz is a euphoric drug, designed to make you feel good about, well, you just feel good. That is until it wears off. Then you'll want more. Alot more. Just want your fixer wants. Pay the man, Pay the price. Buzz also is a pain killer. Helps when you accidentally bump into a wall or something just because you feel sooo goood (+2 stun saves). Just be warned, Buzz will make you dependant on it just to function in life. You will be convinced you need it (mildly psychologically addictive). Buzz is legal, but you have been warned. Duration of 1d10+1 minutes. Difficulty 9. Available as a drink (13.5eb/can), pills (4.5eb/pill), cigarette (9eb/cigarette) or slap patch (18eb/patch).


Medic is a medical drug carried by medics in the Armed Forces. It speeds up the healing rate (+2 points healed per day), and is an antibiotic (clears up infection x4 as fast) and coagulant (-4 points of bloodloss) as well. The soldiers friend. Medic is also one of the few drugs that is truly friendly, it has NO side effects!! Some wonder why is doesn't also deaden pain or help reduce it. That's because the medics need to know how serious an injury is, thus needing feedback from the soldier. Considered to be a Type C substance on the street, common in the Armed Services. Duration of 1D6x10 minutes. Difficulty 78. Available only as an ampoule (117eb/ampoule in the forces, 585eb/ampule on the streets).


Doc is the commercial version of Medic. As such, it's cheaper, but it also has some side effects. Like Medic it speeds up the healing rate (+1 points healed per day), and is an antibiotic (clears up infection x2 as fast) and coagulant (-2 points of bloodloss). The patient eyes become sensitive to light (-2 to all actions in bright light), and they become less coordinated (-2 to REF and MA), as well as feeling weak (-2 BOD). DOC is considered to be a Type C drug on the street, Common in hospitals. Duration of 1D6x10 minutes. Difficulty 59. Available as an injected drug (88.5eb/dose in hospital, 442.5eb/dose on the street).


Also known as Stud, Slut is an aphrodisiac (-3 Seduction), euphoric and endurance (+3 Endurance) drug all in one. You know what that means. Yo' be the ladies Man o' Man! Mister Dynamite!! The number one Stud Muffin!!! (At least that's what you think of yourself, if so why do you need this drug?). With duration of up to eleven hours, you'll be up all night (if you know what I mean). But something this good doesn't come free... Will make you mildly psychologically dependant, dumb (-3 INT while under the effects), and possibly sterile (3 in 10 chance). Found absolutely everywhere (who doesn't wanna get laid??). Duration of 1D10+1 hours. Difficulty 21. Available as a drink additive (31.5eb/bottle), or pill (10.5eb/pill).


Killer is the street name for a combat drug released upon the streets by an unknown Corporation. (Can anyone say Ara...). The drug ups the users REF and Awareness (+3) and negates pain (ignore the first three wound levels). While under the influence, the user goes berserk (read psychotic rage), attacking even friends (difficult resist torture/drugs to NOT attack your friends). When the drug wears off, the user will suffer from nausea (stun save at -2 or vomit, will lead to dry heaves, if tries to eat/drink another stun save or loose your lunch, if there's anything left), cold sweats, internal bleeding (every 2 hours of drug duration, take 1 point of damage - BTM not withstanding. May show up in vomit, urine or stool), and depression (-2 to all actions, if already unstable, may attempt suicide). Not a happy drug.... Type B Illegal substance. Duration of 1D10+1 minutes. Difficulty 24. Available as a gas (inhaled)(180eb/dose), tablet (90eb/tablet), or Derm (360eb/derm).


The following drugs are from the When Gravity Fails sourcebook. I'll leave them as they were originally described, but will add a note with info to bring them up to speed, i.e. new cost, possibly new difficulty, and possible drug forms.


Type: Stimulant
Strength: +1           Cost: 1000 eb
Difficulty: 40         Duration: 1d6+1 hours
Blue, triangular tablets of trihetamine. This drug increases cool by +1 as well as filling the user with incredible energy, giving him a bonus on all endurance checks. Physiologically addictive, this drug can cause severe nausea and vomiting. It carries with it the side effect of negative physical reaction (see below).

NOTE: Difficulty 57. Tablet (28.5eb/tablet). Common street drug.


Type: soporific
Strength: +1          Cost: 50 eb
Difficulty: 2         Duration: 1d6+1 turns
Paxiums are yellow, hexagonal tablets with very mild tranquillising effects. Also called Nofeq's, these tablets also cause severe nausea. They have the negative physical reaction.

NOTE: Difficulty 2. Tablet (.50eb/tablet). Common drug.


Type: Hallucinogen     
Strength: +3           Cost: 100 eb
Difficulty: 4          Duration: 1d6+1 minutes
RPM stands for I. Ribopropylmethionine. This drug usually comes in a small, square, plastic derm. It can be applied anywhere on the skin. Few people willingly take this drug: it creates horrifying hallucinations which get steadily worse for duration. Not only that, but with every use the drug gradually burns out the user's nervous system. For every use roll a d10. On a one the user looses 1 point of REF permanently.

NOTE: Difficulty 4. Derm (40eb/derm). Type C Illegal Substance. (95% results in bad trips).


Type: Hallucinogen
Strength: +2           Cost: 100 eb
Difficulty: 4          Duration: 1d6+1 minutes
This very nasty and powerful hallucinogen was developed as a tool for interrogation. Through some sick, cosmic twist it has ended up as a street drug. Acetylated neocorticine causes the user to have terrifying hallucinations which follow a basic theme which seems to repeat endlessly. Comes in the form of a deep red microdot. This drug causes negative physical reaction.

NOTE: Difficulty 3. Microdot (derm)(30eb/microdot). Type C Illegal Substance. (95% results in bad trips).


Type: Euphoric
Strength: +3           Cost: 200 eb
Difficulty: 8          Duration: 1d6+1 minutes
Beauties are butaqualide hc1. Butaqualide comes in a bicolored capsule of powder blue and peacock blue. Illegal without a prescription, beauties are a potent sleeping drug which acts as both a sopophoris and a euphorant. They also scramble the user's coordination. The user stumbles around bouncing into walls and people. This loss of coordination reflects a REF loss of 3 pts for the duration of the drug. If the user hurts himself while on the drug he will not feel it until the effects wear off. Beauties are physiologically addictive.

NOTE: Difficulty 1. Capsule (5eb/capsule). Prescription drug.


Type: Pain killer
Strength: +2           Cost: 825 eb
Difficulty: 33         Duration: 1d6+1 hours
Sonniene is a powerful opiate from Holland, developed to negate pain and act as a euphoriant. The chalky white tablets, nicknamed sunnies, were however, physiologically addictive. They also gave the user delusions of invulnerability. These delusions can put the user at risk, especially in combat situations. This drug raises the user's cool by 2 for the duration as a side effect.

NOTE: Difficulty 66. Tablet (247.5eb/tablet). Type B Illegal Substance.


The following drugs are from the CP2020 Rule Book and various source books. This brings them in line with the Drug Lab 101 rule supplement.


Stim increases endurance (+3), allowing the user to stay alert for longer periods. Side effects include mental delusions. Duration 1D10+1 minutes. Difficulty 8. Pescription drug. Available as a Slap Patch (80eb/patch), or tablet (20eb/tablet).


Syncomp is a broad spectrum poison antidote (+3), used to treat nerve and biotoxins. Ref is reduced at the rate of one point per dose for the duration of the drug. Difficulty 15. Duration 1D10+1 turns. Pescription drug. Available as injected drug (112.5eb/dose), or slap patch (150eb/patch).


Speedheal (strength +2),(described on CP page 117), is designed to enhance the natural healing process (+1 point a day). Side effects are a reduced Ref by 1D3 for a period of 1 week after use. Difficulty 60. Duration 1D10+1 hours. Pescription drug. Available as injected drug (1500eb/dose).


Boost increases INT by +1 (STR +1) for a 2-7 hour period. A boost addict has gained full tolerance - his INT is no longer increased, and he must have more boost within 12 hours or be reduced to screaming fits and hallucinations. Type B drug. Difficulty 24. Duration 1D6+1 hours. Available in satchels (180eb/dose).


Smash (strength +2) is 2020's answer to alcohol - it's yellow, foamy, and comes in cans. It makes you loose, happy and ready to party (euphoric and depresant). The downside is that when it wears off, its psychological addiction component makes you suicidal. If you fail your addiction Save, you sink into total catatonia; a feebly mumbling ball of pain - a ripe target for some Booster looking for spare change. Difficulty 2. Duration 1D6+1 minutes. Common drug. Available in cans (12eb/six pack).


Designed as a combat drug and painkiller, endorphins reduce pain and stress effects. 'Dorph allows you to reduce the effects of stun or shock (+2 to stun saves). 'Dorph also has a nasty cost in nervous system damage. Each time you use 'dorph, roll an additional 1D10. On a 1, you have lost 1 point of REF - permanently. Difficulty 4. Duration 1D6+1 turns. Type B drug. Available in derms (60eb/derm), or Injected (45eb/dose).


A high powered version of 'Dorph which imparts euphoric, adrenal rush, and invulnerability to pain (ignore first 2 wound levels). Your CL is raised by 2, and you are resistant to stun or shock effects (+2 to stun saves). Lace is deadly. Lace users become fearless, cold-blooded killing machines - exactly what its military designers were looking for (won't back down from a fight, rebels against authority, etc). If you fail your addiction (moderatly addictive) save (1D10 roll higher than Body type) roll an additional 1D6 and subtract the result from your EMP stat. Treat the result as if suffering from cyberpsychosis. If you go over the line, too bad. Roll up another character. Type A drug. Difficulty 16. Available as an Injected drug (720eb/dose).


...from Protect and Serve...


Strength : +2
Difficulty : 32
Duration : 1D6x10 minutes

+2 ref, +2 cool, negates pain, reduces stun.

reduces INT, paranoia, psychotic rage.
Werewolf is an experimental combat drug, which boosts the users strength (Bod +2) and willpower (Cool +2). It also limits the brains pain receptors from registering said pain (+2 vs Stun/Death saves, ignore first 2 wound levels). It also interferes with the logic centres of the brain, causing the user to become rash, muddle headed, delusional and prone to violent outbreaks (Int -2, paranoid, and will attack all within range. A Resist Drug/Torture roll vs 20 will allow the user to choose his target, not his friends. All side effects last for the duration of the drug). Difficulty 84. Duration 1D6x10 minutes. Experimental drug. Available as injected drug (3150eb/dose), or slap patch (4200eb/patch).


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