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Selling Out.


In the main Cyberpunk book, it gives you the option of selling out to get another 10,000eb (pg 93). It lists as options to sell out to as being Covert Military, Organized Crime, and Corporations.

How about other places/people to sell out to??

The following is a list of optional bodies to sell your soul to.

The Church

Sure, why not! Even in 2020, the Catholic Church still has a significant following, let alone Islam, Buddhism, Judaism to name a few. The Vatican has a huge network to draw upon, and has a web of contacts spanning the globe and the orbitals. Become an Agent of God and smite down those opposed to the will of the Almighty!!!!!

The Catch. Most likely Monitored and or Company Safeguard to ensure you don't stray from the path of God and cap the Pope!

Wealthy Millionaire/Corporate Exec.

You were approached by a Coat, who gave you an envelope, a fat envelope. Inside was a datapad and a wad of folding readies that looked like they were ready to fall apart. On the datapad was some instructions, including on how to get even more money, and some free medical care. You were short of money (who isn't?!?), and the rest, as they say, is history. You have learned enough to figure that you're working for an individual, not some big Corp or The Man. Just one person, with money to burn. Maybe he's a Corp Exec. that is building his own Black Ops Team, or a wealthy Rocker who wants some backup at a shady gig.

The Catch: Most likely Monitored and or Blackmail.

Secret Society (Masons, Satanic Cults, Illuminati, etc).

You were already a member of (fill in your choice of fanatical nutcases planing to take over the world/summon Beelzebub up from the flaming pits of Hell...), but fell behind in keeping up with the 'donations'. Eventually you were lead into one of the inner rooms for a 'discussion'. When you left, your slate was wiped clean, but now you do the dirty work for the 'Grand Pooh-Bah". Mostly it's just a simple Info Drop, sometimes you have to watch some John Doe as he goes about his daily grind. The other times, well, that don't bear thinking about. Threats and breaking legs is not what you like doing, but you're getting used to it...

The Catch: Varies, Blackmail, Company Safeguard, Monitored and Sabotaged Chipware are the most likely.

Nomad Pack.

Nomads have an extensive network of informants. And now your one of them. Wether it's keeping an eye out for a big construction project for the Pack, keeping tabs on a rival pack that just entered town, or maybe it's to 'babysit' a bunch of young 'mads as they come hot into town to live it up and 'count coup' with the Fuzz. And lets face it, if it ever gets to hot for you in town, where's a better place to hide than within the confines of a Nomad Camp? Nomads look after their own.

The Catch: Monitored. And that's probably it. Maybe. Unless it's the Raffen Shiv...

The Government.

Not part of the military, you sold your services to the Government. You might be a highly trained killing machine, or a well versed netrunner. They placed you into a cell, and only know 4 others at most. You almost never meet your contact. Your group goes by the name Team Gamma. You do the dirty work the government doesn't want others to know about. Assassinations, Information Retrieval, Extractions. You are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. You are considered expendable...

The Catch. Company Safeguard, possibly Sabotaged Chipware and Blackmail.


Not quite organised crime, but with a gang, you'll always have 'brothers'. But do you really want a bunch of dorph-heads with enough illegal/street cyberware to build their own version of the T-500 out of that old 2-D Vid to be your brothers? The Gang uses you to act as a 'straight' to case out a joint before a hit. Or use you to act as their 'courier', delivering cash, drugs, weapons, information, who knows… Or it maybe a little more dangerous than that. You might just finding yourself acting as the Gangs Hitman, taking out those coppers who get to close to their illegal activities…

The Catch: Blackmail, Sabotaged Chipware, possibly monitored.


They finally caught you. When you were put in-front of the Judge for trial, he must have seen something salvageable in you, or maybe he was one sick mo-fo. Whatever the case, he gave you a choice, join the Force, or it would be Braindance and Personality Adjustment for you. Well, 1 year later, you're out of the Academy, and have just been assigned your precinct. Of cause, they were a few catches. But you have learned to live with it, so far.

The Catch: Company Safeguard and Monitored. Maybe Sabotaged Chipware


You belong to one of the Orbitals now. Maybe you were an up and coming Highrider that couldn't quite cut the mustard. Maybe you were trying to hack into the main computer to try and shift the habitat's orbit. It may be simply just that the orbital just wanted a pair of eyes dirtside. Who knows? You certainly don't. All you know is that you have to keep an ear out about any info that may be used by the orbital for good or woe. And here's another thing to consider, do you actually work for one of the orbitals, or Orbital Air?...

The Catch: Company Safeguard, possibly Monitored and Blackmail.


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