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ANYTIME 2020    -       Cyberpunk 2020.

JULY 2029	-	The Great Quake finaly strikes California USA. Ranking 14.4 on the 
			Ricter Scale, it covers the eastern seaboard, from the Gulf of Mexcio 
			to Alaska. All of Calafornia and most of slide into the Pacific Ocean.
			This triggers off a chain of earthquakes, tidalwaves and volcanic
			eruptions around the world. A earthquake of similar proportions hits
			Japan. A Tsunami surges 100 miles into the Japanese Islands. As a 
			result of the Eastern seaboard sliding below the waves in the USA, the
			sea level rises.

			No body count is ever taken, nobody wanted to know. 

			Rumors suggest that the Quake was caused by a meteor that hit the 
			fault line are never comfermed, although there was a meteor that was
			possably headed for Earth and was being tracked by several 
			observatories around the world, it apparently did hit in the Gulf of
			Mexico in the shallows, but whether it caused the quake is unknown. It
			was estimated to be about the size of a double bed.

APRIL 2054	-	The Third World War commenses as the Arabic Nations finally have their
			Jihad. They draw in the rest of the world as they hussle to protect the
			last of the main oil fields. 

NOV 2061	-	World War Three winds down and comes to a complete halt. In the 
			preceding seven years, three nuclear warheads were detonated, one in
			Jerusalem, one in Bayruit and one in Tel Aviv. The death toll is 
			never taken. Guesstimates run at an average of 400,000,000.
SEPT 2073	-	The birth of TerraNova. 

AUG 2084	-	TerraNova secretly starts to terraform the surface of the moon.

MAY 2086	-	Declaration of intent for a World Government, a Global Family.

APRIL 2091 	-	The development of 'Cold Fusion' becomes a reality.

JULY 2096	-	World Council formed after 12 years of political fighting.

DEC 2098	- 	The collapse of the World Council and the rise of the Corporations, 
			later termed the Corporate Takeover by an unknown journalist. Also the
			first time the world realises that TerraNova had been pushing the 
			buttons that collapsed the World Council. TerraNova now in position of
			Global Power. Global Family idea all but forgotten.

FEB 2099	-	TerraNova consolidates its control over the world. Now the most 
			powerful single force in the world.

MARCH 2099	-	The rest of the worlds MegaCorps realise what TerraNova is doing to 
			the Moon [such a secret can't be kept from everyone for to long] and 
			want in. In exchange for technology, labour and funding, the 
			remaining corps will each receive a small 'moonholding' or their 
			effort. All decide to keep the terraforming of the moon a secret from
			the rest of the world. This helps TerraNova keep a close eye on the
			other Corps and a certain amount of power over them.

AUGUST 2109	-	The idea of the 'World Power Grid' is conceived.

MAY 2118	-	The World Power Grid is completed. 

JAN 2120	-	A Bioplague ravages the world. Official estimate of the death rate -
			180,000,000. Unofficial estimates that the figures were closer to
			320,000,000. The source of the plague was never traced, but suspicion 
			was pointed towards Southern Africa but never confirmed. The Orbital
			Community isolates itself from the world for the next 2 following 
			years, no shuttles were allowed to dock with the Platforms.  

DEC 2128	- 	The concept of a Global Family is brought forth again by a 8 year old
			girl on the 24th in Zimbabwe. She writes the Leaders of several
			countries, and of cause, TerraNova and the World Council. She is 
			heralled as the Conscience of the World by the media of the day. Her 
			face is seen global as she is used as a figure head for Global Unity. 
			The term "Internationalism" is coined.

APRIL 2212	-	Distaster stirkes the Orbitals. A major meteor shower damages several 
			of the Orbitals and Moon bases, destroying one of the O'Neals and 
			dozens of workshacks, including one of the Moon bases. Estimated dead:
			50,000. They reopen themselves to the world below to recieve help. They
			remain open afterwards.

MARCH 2219	-	A tenth planet is discovered in the Sol solar system. Named Posiedon, 
			it was discovered by space probes sent out to Pluto. It's orbit is 
			almost horizontal to Pluto's orbit. 

NOV 2278	-	TerraNova start the terraforming of Mars following the plans layed out 
			a couple of centuries ago by a now defunct space program. The moon was
			just a testbed for this, the real project. 

APRIL 2286	-	NOW.


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